Does Your Peo Or Employee Leasing Company Need Leads
Released on = November 21, 2006, 1:53 pm
Press Release Author = PML
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = PML, one of the oldest operating Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), announced today that it is considering the sale of its national client lead system, which provides millions of gross payroll leads each month for its current PEO companies and affiliates.
Press Release Body = The key in making this decision to sell this tool is the relinquishing of the PML url,, which was established in 1989. Administered by Planmarc, Ltd., this web url links hundreds and thousands of web pages and independent sources across the United States and is key to the structure and infra-structure of all of the PML companies, and generates quality leads that can be targeted to very specific geographic and industry types.
This would be a perfect opportunity for a national PEO or PEO Broker company to gain a substantial competitive edge in the national client lead market, or even in other markets. For the PEO owning PML's lead system, there are only leads, no fees to pay to a third party broker!
The system is not a packaged piece of software; it is a combination of a secure host provider, secure processing of collected data and a deeply rooted and expansive method of search engine manipulation that ensures top rankings in most, if not all major search engines. PML has worked to develop this system in a way that is secure and not easy to copy (if not impossible to copy).
If PML decides to sell off this integral part of its national exposure, it would then have to be "branded" to a new owner, giving them total exclusivity to the system. This will not be an easy decision for PML.
Jasen Burcham, President of Planmarc, Ltd. explained, "The system was created to give our PML companies and its subsidiaries a consistent pipeline of leads, and it certainly does that; quite well, I might add. However, PML is embarking on other major national programs, and the implications of giving up the planmarc url must be weighed against the need for capital expansion for PML's new venture. Our CEO has very mixed emotions about this potential sale, if it happens."
PML is taking bids on the system from serious parties interested in either a venture partnership or outright sale of the total system.
More specific information can be obtained by contacting Jasen Burcham at (800) 567-0235, ext. 201 or e-mailing him at
Web Site =
Contact Details = PML 800-567-0235 49100 Van Dyke Ave Shelby Township, Michigan 48317
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